The Monument Project consists of photographic documentation of existing structures and proposals for new works of public art. From Confederate memorials to roadside shrines and unintentional monuments, the project re-evaluates the role that monuments and memorials serve in the formation and preservation of our collective memory. These photos, writings, renderings, and proposals document the processes of remembrance, removal, and replacement.

"Lee Circle, No Lee" New Orleans, February 2018 

Monuments Gallery:

the echo quilt

The Echo Quilt project proposes the first installation of what is envisioned as a city-wide network of public art installations occupying space in both the real, diverse, and complex neighborhoods of Tampa, FL, as well as existing simultaneously in the cloud, where multiple future installations can interact with each other and connect communities through shared stories and experiences.

Still in the planning stages, the Echo Quilt project is seeking donors and collaborators. 


Watch a fly-through video of the Echo Quilt proposal.


Sulphur Springs, Tampa, January 2018


Port of Tampa, January 2018