Five After Midnight

Lowry 3.5mi

I decided not to run coming off duty this morning because the sun was already over the trees and it was well above 80 degrees. On top of that, we ran five calls after midnight and I 'm feeling a little sleep deprived.
Instead, Jan and I join some friends for a brunch of country-fried steak with mashed potatoes, gravy, and soup, and I spend the day farting around with the computer, napping and watching movies.
In the evening the storm clouds roll in and I'm watching the radar for a break. Finally about 7:45 I decide to go for it and I tell Jan the route I'm taking in case it really opens up.
There's a light rain falling and the air is cool and breezy. I haven't even broken a sweat by the first mile. Lowry Park is virtually deserted and I run the path along the river accompanied by two young boys on bicycles. Around a bend in the river I can see the white water tower looming up ahead. The creeks are swollen with rain and everything seems so lush. My feet are soaked from the puddles but I feel strong and I've settled into a nice easy pace.
At the water tower I head south across the river and run for a few blocks past the crack addled motels and boarding houses along Florida Ave. before cutting back into the neighborhood. The sun has gone down and I'm wishing I had brought my headlamp. This route is one that I picked out on I'm enjoying the surprise of running an unfamiliar route, but the street signs are getting hard to read.
I can definitely tell the difference when I'm using the Galloway method. I have been spacing my walk breaks 5:1 and at the end of a run like this my legs feel great. I have been trying to do a walking cooldown as well and I think this has also aided in my recovery times.