A Zed And Two Noughts

Rome Lowry 3.9mi

Through a combination of work, side-work, procrastination, and laziness, I’ve been getting out the door a little bit later every night. Tonight I didn’t step outside until almost 10:30. I’m tired of missing runs. Tired of not writing. Tired of working too much.
I’m working again in the morning and I should probably be sleeping right now, but this won’t take long. I could run the first part of the route with my eyes closed. I know it by feel. South on Highland past the Korean church, the cigar smoking man, the roof dogs, and then west to the park. South again behind the scratch-and-dent grocery where everything is “On Stale”, and west across the drawbridge, the metal deck sending echoes of each footstep down the river. At the palm reader’s house, grab the guardrail to make the switchback onto the sidewalk without breaking stride, and check the time at the oak tree in the middle of the road. Mile one.
Follow the river north along the sidewalk or, at this time of night, down the middle of the road. Push up the hill towards Rome Avenue, rising out of the river’s bottom. Cross Rome and follow the sidewalk north past the Church of Metaphysical Science, the Polish American Club, and the German American Club.
Here the route becomes less familiar to my pedestrian eyes. At Sligh Avenue, turn back to the east and run along the fence of the horse corral at the Lowry Park Zoo, looking for glimpses of the animals in the darkness. Soon I’m back on well-traveled ground, across the bridge and south on River Shore where I make the final push towards home, hoping to be there before midnight.